
MYTHBUSTER - About the Pill

   The next very important topic to cover in the Mythbuster series is the hormonal birth control tablet (the Pill).

Myth #1: The Pill is so effective because it makes your body believe that you are pregnant.
Fact: The pregnancy hormones are different, what the Pill does is it completely shuts down your natural hormone production, creating an artificial menopause state in your body, not to mention the side effects that come with taking it.

Myth #2: While taking the Pill you still have your normal menstruation every month.
Fact: Taking the first, experimental versions of the Pill women did not have bleeding at all which made them worried that they were pregnant. For this reason the manufacturers removed the hormones from the 4th week's tablets therefore inducing 'withdrawal bleeding' to imitate menstruation, hoping this would encourage women to take the Pill. We can talk about true menstruation only if it is preceded by ovulation.

Myth #3: Taking the Pill with regulate your cycles, reduce menstruation cramps, and cure your acne.
Fact: All these problems indicate some underlying health issue which can be cured by changing your lifestyle, your diet, taking certain vitamins or drinking herbal tea. Your body is trying to let you know that something is wrong. Taking the Pill, as we have seen above, shuts down your system therefore not providing a solution, only masking your symptoms. As soon as you stop taking it, your problems will return. 'If the smoke detector went off in your house would you try to locate the fire and put it out or would you wear your headphone, turn up the volume to drown out the sound of the alarm and pretend that the house is not burning down around you?' /Lisa Hendrickson-Jack: The fifth vital sign/

Myth #4: After coming off the Pill your normal cycles will return immediately.
Fact: There are cases when this statement is true but for most women it is a longer process that can take months or even 1-1,5 years. Think about waking up in the morning after a long sleep. There are people whose eyes just pop open and immediately they are up and about but for most of us it takes some time - let it be 5, 10 minutes or half an hour - to reach the point when we can get out of bed and start the day. Same scenario with the natural hormone production after the Pill.

Any comments or questions are welcome in this topic, I hope you found it useful! 😉

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