
MYTHBUSTER - About the Fertility Awareness Method

   In today's article we will dispel the misconceptions about the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).

Myth #1: Fertility Awareness Method is the same as Rhythm Method.
Fact: The Rhythm Method is about guessing and predicting. It is based on the false theory that all cycles are the same, if the previous one was 28 days long then this one will be as well and ovulation always happens in the middle of the cycle. FAM is based purely on biology, it has a strong scientific background. It always concentrates on the current day in the current cycle by the observation of the hormone-induced fertility signs (basal body temperature, cervical fluid, cervix).

Myth #2: Fertility Awareness is not an effective method for contraception.
Fact: As we have discussed before, FAM is backed up by scientific researches, always concentrates on the present. The person who learns to observe and chart her fertility signs on a daily basis will always be able to tell if she is fertile or not on a given day. Based on this information and their family planning intention (whether they want to have a baby or not) she can decide about having sexual intercourse. For those who obey all the rules and abstain from sexual intercourse on the fertile days this method works with a 99.6% efficacy. For those who choose to have protected sex in the fertile window this rate gets reduced to the efficacy of the barrier method (condom, diaphragm, spermicide etc) they use.

Myth #3: Fertility Awareness works only for those who have regular cycles.
Fact: We have seen above that the biggest advantage of FAM is that due to daily observation it always concentrates on the present - the current day in the current cycle. This is why it works for everybody, regardless of age, or situation (coming off hormonal birth control, postpartum, nursing, approaching menopause). The user will always know exactly what is going on in her body and which phase of her cycle she is in. 

Myth #4: Fertility Awareness is only good for achieving or avoiding pregnancy.
Fact: There is a separate post ('The fifth vital sign') already on this blog that confutes this statement in details. The cycle chart (the notes on the daily observations of the fertility signs) provides you with a broad and very detailed picture of your hormone production and reproductive health. It tells you whether everything works properly in your system. If you get to know your own fertility cycle pattern from your charts then you can avoid running to the doctor all the time or taking unnecessary treatments because you will be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal events. You might not use the method for contraception or getting pregnant but still it is very reassuring to have proof in your hand about your body working perfectly. And if something is wrong you can find a solution, you have the time and the opportunity to change your ways and the positive effect will be visible in your upcoming charts.

   I hope that by now you see why Fertility Awareness is good and worth learning. It might take 1-2 cycles for you to gain confidence in charting your fertility signs but the observation itself is not more than 2 minutes daily and the information it gives you is very valuable and useful.
   If you are interested in learning contact me here, in e-mail or on my Facebook page, I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. 😉

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