
What you need to know about ectopic pregnancy

   Even though today's topic does not have the closest connection to Fertility Awareness I think it is important to talk about it because it happens to more people than we would imagine and cycle-charting can help with the early diagnosis. It is the ectopic pregnancy.

   When the fertilized egg implants not into the thickened uterine lining (endometrium) but some place outside the uterus, it is called ectopic pregnancy. Statistically it occurs in 2% of all pregnancies and it can be fatal for the mother therefore early diagnosis is extremely important. Different types are recognized according to the place of implantation.

   Telltale signs could be vaginal spotting or bleeding, abdominal cramps, even fainting. In any case you must contact your doctor immediately! Unfortunately the embryo has no chance for survival but early diagnosis can reduce the damage caused in the mother's body.
   Treatments can vary depending on how forward the pregnancy is and where the egg implanted. It might be possible that the egg moves forward after getting temporarily stuck in the tube (without actually implanting), in this case a regular ultrasound examination can be enough, no need of intervention, but this is rare. In most of the cases it implants there and starts growing. With an early diagnosis, when the wall of the tube is not affected yet, this can be solved by taking medication that makes the egg die and get absorbed, there will not be permanent damage.
   The problem is that the tube is not very flexible, as the embryo grows it can crack. This time it might still be possible to suck the egg out but the remaining wounds increase the chances of another ectopic pregnancy. Another solution is to remove part of the Fallopian tube that contains the embryo which will decrease the chances of getting pregnant again by 50% because that side will never work properly any more. (However, it is still possible that the egg is released from the ovary towards the stomach and the other side's tube picks it up, so the situation is not that hopeless.)
   In the worst case the wall of the Fallopian tube breaks completely, causing internal bleeding in the abdomen. In this case surgery is immediately needed because it can cost the mother's life if not acted upon. Fertilized eggs implanted elsewhere also cause internal bleeding if they do not get removed in time.
   Risk factors that increase the chance of ectopic pregnancy:
       - previous ectopic pregnancy
       - tubal surgery
       - pelvic inflammatory disease
       - smoking
       - advanced maternal age
       - miscarriage
       - abortion
       - history of infertility
       - intrauterine device

   So, once again, an ectopic pregnancy can be fatal for the mother, early diagnosis is extremely important! Cycle-charting helps in realizing pregnancy at an early stage and therefore noticing the occurrence of abnormal symptoms in which case one must visit the doctor as soon as possible!
   Let's take care of ourselves, Ladies!

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