

Hi, my name is Timea Agnes Velu. I was born in 1990 in Budapest, in high school I joined the faculty of biology-chemistry, I have a degree in taking care of babies and children and I studied indology in the university. I got married in 2016 and moved from Hungary to India the same year. We had already been trying for a baby for 6 months when I came across this method, one of my friends told me about it. I immediately fell in love with it, with all the knowledge that it gave me. Within a week I bought my basal body thermometer and a book that I learnt charting from, and dived into the world of Fertility Awareness. After only 3 months of using the method I got pregnant. Unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy, I ended up in hospital for surgery. Thanks to charting they could diagnose it quite early, my life was not threatened by it yet, but my left Fallopian tube had to be removed. Few months later my second angel was conceived but that was a biochemical pregnancy, it ended before we could be happy about it. I was devastated, but at least I had proof that this method works if you want a baby. That was when I decided to become a Fertility Awareness educator, I immediately signed up for a teacher course and I passed my final exam on 15th February in 2019. Being a Fertility Awareness teacher I want to assist women to get to know and understand their own cycles and fertility signs which will help them either to achieve or avoid pregnancy or simply to keep an eye on their general and reproductive health. I believe that the best way to succeed is this natural method, based purely on biology, that takes only few minutes a day but provides them with a huge amount of knowledge of their body. By using this method they can avoid taking unnecessary hormone treatments and medication, go under invasive check-ups in order to figure out the reason behind their infertility or get pregnant against their will. Learning about Fertility Awareness can help them confidently make their own decisions about their body and be in control. So, ladies, let’s get charting! 😉

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